Cutting dies multi-impression press molds removing slivers
Cutting dies multi-impression press molds removing slivers Workpiece processing with ECM technology allows to produce cutting die impressions with the highest precision and quality. In jewelry dinking dies are used for cutting parts of various shapes from sheet metal. Complicated shapes of cutting, notching and dinking dies are easily made with the help of […]
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Light industry. footwear industry. glass industry. perfumery and cosmetic industry
Light industry. footwear industry. glass industry. perfumery and cosmetic industry Electrochemical machining was used at the enterprises relating in the early 90s to light industry beginning with the Decree of the Government Ministers Council on providing technical support to them by the Ministry of Aircraft Industry. To manufacture die tooling for various purposes, new […]
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Defense industry
Defense industry It is not questioned that the specialists of mechanical engineering, cartridge and tool production enterprises of the Russian defense industry complex are interested in the new high-precision methods of manufacturing tooling, removing slivers, producing dies and matrices for different products. Our electrochemical machines operate successfully and solve important technically complicated tasks in manufacturing […]
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Tool manufacturing industry, Manufacturing of fitter’s and assembler’s tools
Tool manufacturing industry, Manufacturing of fitter’s and assembler’s tools Tool manufacturing at any enterprise is one of the most important enterprise units providing workshops and departments with technological tooling, die tooling, punch tooling. To a large extent the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the products made by the specialists of […]
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Aircraft building, aircraft engine industry, automobile industry
Aircraft building, aircraft engine industry, automobile industry Dimensional electrochemical machining method (DECM) is efficiently applied for a long time in industries related to aircraft building, production of aircraft engines, turbine parts and components. SFE machines are used in manufacturing: press and casting mold tooling for the manufacturing of car parts of a complicated […]
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Historical, war reconstruction Religion
Historical, war reconstruction Religion We suggest that historical and war reconstruction clubs, specialized sites and private collectors apply the unique technology used in our machines. For restoration works SFE electrochemical machine may precisely reproduce the exact replica of any decoration articles – orders, medals, badges of all times and nations. One can manufacture dies, matrices, […]
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Medical tooling industry
Medical tooling industry It is difficult to imagine the production of a great number of high-precision and complicated tools in medical and medical tooling industries without the technology of high-precision electrochemical machining. Electrochemical pulse machining, which is the basic operation technology of our SFE machines, may be used for high-precision nano manufacturing of the […]
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HERALDIC INDUSTRY, SOUVENIR INDUSTRY, JEWELRY INDUSTRY Our equipment is successfully operating at the leading heraldic and souvenir enterprises, Mints of Russia, the CIS and European countries for many years. The machines are used for manufacturing: More ionformation… shaping surfaces of die tooling, matrices, embossing dies for coins of all sizes and shapes; embossing dies, […]
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