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Factory overhaul of electrochemical machines ES-4000
We carry out the following works and services
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- Major overhaul of ES-4000 machines in the factory of the manufacturer.
- Modernization of ES-4000 and OMA-1750 machines manufactured in 1989-2003 at Kirov factories: “Lepse” and “Electrosistema”.
- Maintenance of OMA-1750 and ES-4000 machines from the moment of their first release (more than 20 years ago).
- Factory warranty upon completion of works.
- Plant conditions and high quality of repairs.
- Training on operating the machines.
- Startup.
- We sell any documentation for ES-4000.
- We offer to order a semi-automatic electrochemical machine ES-4000 after major overhaul.
- We purchase ES-4000 and OMA-1750 machine at a high price from organizations, intermediaries on your terms in any condition.
- Trade in of new SFE machines of any model for old ES-4000 machines with our additional payment.
Information for potential customers
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- On the basis of our long-term experience we can declare competently: Do not waste means of your company on promises of some Kirov companies or individuals in the Internet to “carry out full modernization, install up-to-date control system, etc” on a ES-4000 machine.
- Packaging arrangement of ES-4000 machine went out of date at present.
It has no sense to upgrade technical characteristics of the machine on the basis of used packaging arrangement from the financial point of view, because there is no warranty of a stable and long-term performance.
These costs will be equal to costs of manufacture of a new machine. - Only major repairs of mechanics and control rack and a guaranteed bringing of the machine to the design characteristics are possible.
Exchange of the control system with more perfect one, increase of machining area are hollow promises. - It is now possible to install Advantech workstation on ES-4000 and OMA-1750 machines, because packaging arrangement of electric and electronic part went out of date.
More detailed information about ES-4000 machine can be found on the official website http://www.es-4000.ru